UKI Arkkitehdit wins town district design competition
The Kirjosiipi entry by UKI Arkkitehdit was awarded in the public architectural competition arranged by Jyväskylä city and Skanska Talonrakennus Oy. In the winning entry, the old industrial milieu and insightful ecological ideas combine into a whole which also supports the communality of the area.

The Kirjosiipi design consists of three functional zones: green ring around the area, chained common yards and street spaces. ”Our goal was to create a harmonious but functionally versatile, distinctive town district, which is strongly connected to its environment”, Sasu Alasentie and Sampo Ojala describe the starting points of the Kirjosiipi design.
In the Kirjosiipi design, the Tourujoki river flowing through the area reaches out all the way to the inner yards of the blocks. The positioning and roof angles of the houses in the area enable practical solar energy use in the buildings.
A precondition for the competition entries was that they should respect the valuable cultural history of the industrial environment.