Laakso Joint Hospital

Helsinki 190 000.00 brm² KOY Laakson yhteissairaala

The Laakso Joint Hospital is a combined psychiatric and somatic hospital complex by the City of Helsinki and HUS, encompassing both new construction and major renovations. The project will modernize the Laakso hospital area in Helsinki and also include a new building at the Ohkola hospital area in Mäntsälä.

The Laakso Joint Hospital will feature a total of 922 patient beds, along with other hospital functions. The project is being carried out using an alliance model, with the buildings scheduled for completion between 2026 and 2030. The total area will be 190,000 gross square meters.

The main and architectural design is being handled by the Laakso LATU Consortium, which includes UKI Architects, Lukkaroinen Architects, AW2 Architects, and Tähti-Set Architects.