Lohjan vuokra-asunnot Sahapiha 4

Lohja 2021 3 255.00 brm² Lohjan vuokra-asunnot Oy Kuivaketju10 partly

The apartment building for Lohjan Vuokra-asunnot was designed for the Hiidensalmi Housing Fair area in Lohja as part of the overall block complex, from the zoning phase to implementation. The block plan created by UKI Architects was selected for implementation in an open partnership search organized by the City of Lohja. The block is located on the shore of Lake Lohja, about 2 kilometers from Lohja’s city center. The building masses of the compact yet pleasant block shield the yards from traffic noise along the road. The first floor was designed to include a gym (club room) for the shared use of the entire block. A walking and cycling path runs through the block, and creating an attractive street environment was a key goal. The yard was designed as an active shared courtyard for the entire block, leveraging synergy benefits, and the design of the green, car-free inner courtyard also emphasized ease of maintenance.

The building is an ARA (The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland) rental apartment building. The costs were successfully adapted to fit within the price frames set by ARA, while also meeting the high urban and quality objectives of the housing fair project. Cost benefits were achieved through efficient floor plans and shared arrangements with other projects in the block. The building offers efficient and functional affordable apartments as well as diverse communal spaces, including a gym (club room), laundry and drying room, and a rooftop sauna and terrace with lake views.

The building’s facade is mainly brick tile, with a natural color scheme designed to harmonize with the other projects in the block. Some facade sections feature patinated concrete to highlight communal areas. The facade of the staircase incorporates an artwork designed by Kim Jotuni.

Special attention was paid to ecological considerations in the building’s design. The roof is equipped with solar panels that power the individual ventilation units in the apartments. The building’s energy class is B. The project was a showcase at the Lohja Housing Fair in 2021.