Renovation of the French-Finnish School in Helsinki

Helsinki 2023 4 500.00 brm² Senaatti Properties Repair construction

The renovation focused on the older section of the school, built in the 1960s. This section was significantly expanded in the 1990s when the school, previously operating as a private school, was transformed into a French-Finnish school.

The older section was designed by architect Toivo Korhonen, and the building’s main lobby was particularly treated as a protected area. The current renovation was carried out under the supervision of the Finnish Heritage Agency, respecting Korhonen’s original architecture.

Kuva suojellusta pääaulasta - Helsingin Ranskalaissuomalaisen koulun peruskorjaus

The renovated section houses the elementary school grades, sports facilities serving the entire school, student healthcare facilities, as well as music and home economics classrooms. While spatial modifications and new fixed furnishings were implemented, the original functional layout and facades remained unchanged. Additionally, all areas were equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system, resulting in extensive changes to the classroom ceilings and the addition of two new air handling units on the building’s roof.

Kuva uudesta luokkakohtaisesta kiintokalusteesta - Helsingin Ranskalaissuomalaisen koulun peruskorjaus
Kuva suojellusta pääaulasta ennen kalustamista - Helsingin Ranskalaissuomalaisen koulun peruskorjaus
Kuva luokkahuoneen kalustuksesta - Helsingin Ranskalaissuomalaisen koulun peruskorjaus