OEBIO Laanila power plant

Oulu 2020 10 132.00 brm² Oulun energia Tietomallihanke 14 7630 brm³


The Oulun Energia power plant in Laanila is a modern unit producing district heat and electricity. The boiler plant can burn different fuel fractions with wider dispersion than previous generation units.

The power plant is located in the Laanila industrial park, where also Alvar Aalto’s handprint can be seen in the old brick buildings from the Typpi Oy times. The Ecopower plant, which was designed at UKI Arkkitehdit earlier, is in close proximity of the new plant.

UKI Arkkitehdit was involved in the design of the power plant right from the beginning of the pre-planning phase. This benefited the project and architectural design because we could then influence the design in the budget reserve definition phase.

Material choices are selected from the basic elements of modern industrial construction. Extensive metal element surfaces in different colours are dominant together with prudently used strong corrugated steel sheets.

The lift shaft wall in the main stairwell has an impressive mural artwork by architect Timo Tyynismaa. A wood grouse welcomes employees and visitors to the plant.