HospiCaseY virtual project under way in 2009 – 2010

The business section of the HospiCaseY project, led by Uki Arkkitehdit Oy, focuses on business operation models with emphasis on the designer’s viewpoint. With the aid of advance simulation, the user-driven planning process in construction design can be improved, which results in space solutions and buildings that are more functional and economically viable.
The aim is to develop a business operation model that makes use of an interactive, user-driven virtual model that can be turned into commercial use. The aim is also to look at technological problems and find solutions to them, and to develop software into a more user-friendly direction, which enables direct communication between architectural CAD tools and CAVE software . A Master’s thesis at Oulu University Department of Architecture will also be completed as part of the project.
Operators associated with the HospiCaseY projects will participate in the business section of the project, along with Intercircum Oy and LudoCraft Oy, experts in economy and software and gaming, respectively. The latter two have been recruited by Uki to take part in the project.

EPSHP Lehdistötiedote

SEAMK Virtuaalilaboratorio
VTT Täydennetyn todellisuuden ratkaisuja
TUT Department of Architecture Architectular Media Laboratory
WIKI Virtuaalitodellisuus