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Nine new partners to UKI Arkkitehdit

UKI Arkkitehdit has acquired nine new partners. They are Mika Avela, Marjaana Harjapää, Mikko Kaira, Hanna Kangas, Vesa-Pekka Kiiskinen, Mika Nieminen, Ari Ronkainen, Meri Ruuskanen and Timo Vihtkari, who work in responsible roles in customer projects.

Tays front yard completed in Tampere

In September the completion of new buildings was celebrated in Tampere first in international My Optimal Hospital conference and one week later the D building’s main entrance and lobby were opened.

UKI Arkkitehdit wins Ravilaakso invitational architectural competition

The city of Vaasa, Peab Oy and Yrjö & Hanna Foundation organized an architectural competition to design a communal block to Ravilaakso, Vaasa, in which three different architectural offices were invited. The jury chose UKI Arkkitehdit as the winner of the competition.

Exemplary Building Pro Nemus

Metsä Group's Pro Nemus Visitor Center, designed by UKI Arkkitehdit, received the Exemplary Building of the year 2018 award at the Jyväskylä Building Fair. Metsä Group's Pro Nemus Visitor Center, designed by UKI Arkkitehdit, received the Exemplary Building of the year 2018 award at the Jyväskylä Building Fair.

The Planning of a New School in Kiiminki starts

UKI Arkkitehdit Oy's design won the bidding competition of the Jokiranta School in Kiiminki, where UKI Arkkitehdit collaborated with the Oulu-based contest winner Rakennusteho Oy.

Learning, continuity and growth

60-year old UKI’s CEO Mikko Heikkinen reflects on the past, the present and the future of the company.

Kempele health centre -combines old and new

The health centre, located at Kirkkotie in Kempele, was originally completed in the late 1980’s. The building served its users without any major renovations until the extension and renovation begun in 2015.

Pro Nemus exhibition centre inaugurated in Äänekoski

Pro Nemus visitor centre located in Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill area in Äänekoski was inaugurated on 12.6.2018. Pro Nemus is a 1000 square meter exhibition building with wooden structure, which was designed and built in 2016-2018.

UKI Arkkitehdit designs premises for the new curriculum in Kokkola

Designing the new Chydenius school building in Kokkola has started at UKI Arkkitehdit. The new Swedish-speaking primary school for 320 pupils will be designed and implemented as a turnkey contract in cooperation with Peab Oy, and its completion is targeted at October 2019.

UKI Arkkitehdit bought the business of Arkkitehtitoimisto Juhani Romppainen

Oululainen arkkitehtitoimisto UKI Arkkitehdit Oy on ostanut niin ikään oululaisen Arkkitehtitoimisto Juhani Romppainen Oy:n liiketoiminnan. Toimistot ovat useiden vuosien ajan tehneet läheistä yhteistyötä. Toissa vuonna ne jo yhdistivät voimiaan solmimalla yhteistyösopimuksen, joka koski ennen kaikkea suuria aluekehityshankkeita.

Shared 1st prize on Façade Renovation 2017-competition

UKI congratulates Helsinki-based As Oy Satakallio for shared 1st price on Finnish Façade Association’s Façade Renovation 2017-competition! Arkkitehtitoimisto Arknova, a member of UKI group, was responsible for the principal and architectural design of the project.

Oulu Lasaretinsaari invitational Architecture competition

UKI Arkkitehdit Oy was one of the three participants invited to the architectural competition arranged by the City of Oulu, the Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland and Rakennusteho Group Oy. The goal was to find a basic proposal for the infill development and town plan change of Lasaretinsaari in Oulu.

UKI Arkkitehdit gets new partners

UKI Arkkitehdit Oy expands its partner base. All six new partners are architects working in the company: Raija-Liisa Miesmaa, Pauli Koivisto, Kimmo Turpeenniemi, Teuvo Tuorila, Ulla Passoja and Timo Tyynismaa.

UKI Arkkitehdit expands operation to metropolitan area – bought Arkkitehtitoimisto Arknova in Helsinki

Architectural firm UKI Arkkitehdit Oy from Oulu makes a stronger investment in entering the design market of the metropolitan area. With the newly concluded deal, the company has acquired possession of Arkkitehtitoimisto Arknova Oy, which has been operating in Helsinki for a long time. The deal is part of the strategy of the Oulu-based company to purposefully expand operations on the Oulu-Jyväskylä-Helsinki axis.